Here's the bottom line up front: after 4 years of excruciating neck pain, I am 100% pain free after only 5 visits at the Chronic Pain Center and Frank Gresham. I highly recommend seeing him.
I am a dedicated cyclist and suffered from myofascial pain from "craning my neck" on my time trial bike for extended time periods. I had my bike professionally fitted twice; I tried massages, physical therapy, etc. but nothing worked. I was going to try acupuncture but I saw Frank's website. I decided to give him a shot. I was very skeptical but open-minded. I'm glad I went. We discussed the "why" of my pain, worked on releasing the trigger points, and he taught me stretches and gave me a protocol to get rid of the pain.
And there was a bonus as well. In my initial questionnaire that he gave me, I noted that I had some left knee pain from patello-femoral pain syndrome due to muscle imbalances caused by the constant pedaling of cycling. I was able to manage the pain through the use of KT tape on my kneecap so I didn't think much about it. Well, Frank diagnosed a hip imbalance and Morton's Toe that I never knew I had. That knee pain is gone as well.
Before seeing Frank, I couldn't go 10 miles on the bike without feeling pain in my neck and knee. Now, I just completed another Century Ride (100 miles) without any pain at all. The best part is that Frank gave me all the information I need to REMAIN pain free. I honestly don't plan on seeing him again. It was definitely worth the money to be pain free. Thanks Frank!
If you have any sort of chronic pain and are struggling to treat or manage it, I highly recommend that you see Frank at the Chronic Pain Center! He is a skilled myofascial trigger point therapist who provides a holistic solution to pain, and he has done wonders for me. I have been living with significant pain levels in my lower back for the past two decades or so. I had tried everything to try to manage the pain, to include physical therapy, steroid packs, anti-inflammatory meds, pain injections, nerve blocks, chiropractic care, dry needling, and electrical stimulation, but none of it worked as a long term solution. After 5 visits with Frank at the Chronic Pain Center, I now feel like a new man. I no longer have that bruising, aching pain and ball of stress in my lower back, and I can exercise daily without the normal pain I use to feel. Better yet, I no longer have the need to take any more medicine such as Aleve and other prescriptive anti-inflammatories. The visits with Frank have literally changed my life for the better! Thanks Frank!
I am 34 years old and The Chronic Pain Center gave me my life back. Two years ago I had lower back surgery that left me with severe chronic lower back pain. I could barely get out of bed each day and I couldn't keep up with my family. At 34 I was dying physically and emotionally because of chronic pain. For two years I sought out doctors, specialists and surgeons and got no relief. Not one doctor listened to me or understood just how much this pain was destroying my life. One doctor actually told me "Many people have to live with chronic pain and you are one of them." I wasn't ok with this so I started calling around interviewing doctor offices. I came across Frank Gresham at The Chronic Pain Center. During our first phone call I fought back the tears because for the first time someone was listening to me. He understood exactly what I was talking about and I agreed to a consult. He was so kind and so knowledgable and I felt like he really wanted to help me.
After just a few visits my pain was improving. No way, I couldn't believe it!!!!!! Tears of joy streamed down my face and I knew I was improving. During just my 2nd week of treatments, I went to bed, and actually woke up pain free for the first time in 5 years! Wow- what an amazing gift. Each day I have needed less and less medication and can go long periods without any medication at all. This is nothing shy of a miracle and I have my life back.
By Thanksgiving I expect to be 100% better. My quality of life is back and I am in control. I am so grateful for this therapy; It is a breath of fresh air and it works! I am still in shock and all I can say is Mr. Gresham knows his stuff and we need more healthcare professionals like him. If you want pain management stay with your current situation, if you want pain elimination go see Frank Gresham. Thank you for saving my life, pain does not control me any longer.
For 14 plus years, I was in constant chronic pain. I was previously very athletic doing hiking, biking, dancing, etc. Gradually it was painful to even walk down the street and I became very sedentary as a result.
I happened to find one of Frank's back pain videos on you tube, and his exercises gave me instant pain relief. Unfortunately, I waited a year to make an appt. as I thought it would take many sessions and be very expensive. This was not the case.
I wish I would have never waited. At my first session, Frank figured out what what was causing my pain, and I was 70% healed when I left his office, thanks to inserts for my shoes that he gave me for my diagnosis. Amazing!
Since then, I have had 3 more sessions and feel completely healed. I am amazed and thrilled each day to being doing normal tasks and walking without pain. Why did I ever wait.
Not only was Frank a wonderful person, who I'm so glad to have met aside from his treatment, but he is the consummate professional, yet priced very fairly.
I urge you, if you have any muscular pain at all, do not wait. Do not let 14 years go by, assuming that you are a resigned to a life of pain. I can't believe after years of visiting many Orthopedic and Sports Medicine specialists, plus hours of physical therapy, my problems were mostly cured within 1 hour. Other Drs. never searched for the cause of my pain, therefore I could never heal.
I cannot say enough about the Chronic Pain Center, their techniques, and how great I feel. I can't remember the last time my body felt this good and I wish this pain relief for every sufferer.
I am 67 years old and have suffered with chronic pain for years and after countless procedures and injections I have finally found someone, Frank Gresham, that has with his therapy given me relief that I hadn't had in so many years. If I had known of this procedure earlier I could have eliminated so many problems as a result of my chronic pain. Until going to The Chronic Pain Center I was extremely depressed and felt that my life would never improve and I certainly didn't care much about living a life of pain. I was so fortunate and blessed to find Frank Gresham.
It started with my sister, who has chronic foot pain. Then my husband went -- he's a disabled veteran who's had pain for years. Then I went -- thought I'd try Frank Gresham before I went to Walter Reed for foot surgery. Now all of us are experiencing a pain-free life -- and it only took a few visits. Frank understands the human body and the importance of getting body alignment right. If you hurt, this is the place to start. Trust me, it'll be the place you finish!!!
Frank, I cannot thank you enough for curing my lower back pain and helping to alleviate my hammertoe problem. Thank you for your conscientious care and your ability to CURE not just relieve the pain for the moment.
We are blessed to have you in Northern Virginia!!
I have suffered with headaches and migraines for over 15 years. I have TMJ and neck issues. I have been to multiple doctors, dentist, orthodontists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and sports medicine doctors trying to get some relief, other than medication. I had to take so much medication at times that I developed stomach problems too. A friend referred me to Frank Gresham and I admit, I was skeptical. I had been to so many different doctors, I had no reason to think he could help. In the end I decided the possibility of reducing my almost daily headache was worth the risk. I am so happy I did!!! After just 3 visits, my headaches have gone from 85-90% of the time to maybe 20%!!!! Even now, when I do get headaches, the severity has decreased by at least 50%, sometimes not even needing medication!!! I'm completely sold on trigger point therapy, especially with Frank Gresham!!!! If you suffer from chronic pain, call him!!! He has given me my life back!!!!!!
Quality Excellent!
My experience with Frank Gresham and the Chronic Pain Center has been FANTASTIC! For close to 5 years now I have suffered from horrible (and at times debilitating) lower back pain. From my very first appointment to my most recent, Frank always takes the approach of educating you on what is causing your pain and then working with you to eliminate it...not manage it...but eliminate it! Another plus is the instructional videos that Frank posts on-line...it's almost like having a virtual 'on-call' pain relief specialist! Also, Frank has an extremely caring and friendly nature which makes visiting the Chronic Pain Center enjoyable. With the above said, I will DEFINITELY recommend Frank and the Chronic Pain Center to others!
The first thing I noticed about Frank was his friendly smile followed by a genuine how are you. Over a few visits I've come to realize that this first impression was the real thing. Yes Frank is a true, I even hate to say it because it's so often a misnomer, true health care professional. My story is about a 53 year old guy with pain in the lower back that I thought was going to cripple me before I ever reached old age. Frank rewrote my story. He looked me over and said I can help you because I know what you're suffering from. Really, I thought? Over the course of that first visit all of my past doctor and physical therapy visits seemed to melt into the past. What I want to do here is share my experience and let you know that if you're suffering from pain it's worth a phone call and a consultation to see what he can do for you.
Quality Excellent!After about 7 years of upper back, shoulder, neck, and headache pains; Frank was able to spend just an hour with me and diagnose the cause of my problem. After many trips to physical therapy and MRIs and you-name-it over the years, Frank was able to pin-point my problem in just one simple visit. I spent two therapy sessions with Frank thereafter, and I'm a changed man! Previously, pain was so bad it would cause me nauseating headaches and prevent me from concentrating at work between 2 - 3 times each week...this is no longer the case. I loved the fact that Frank was concerned with pinpointing the "reason" for my pain instead of just treating my symptoms with drugs (like another doctor recommended for me). The solution for me was simple, but the results have been overwhelming: foot (orthodic) inserts, change in my sleeping position, and stretching exercises. I still have some occasional stiffness, but I'm well on my way to feeling better. I fully recommend Frank to anyone that is experiencing pain at any level; go see him if you are in pain...it is well worth your time/money. Go see Frank before you see any other doctor.
My son had a concussion (from football) in Sept. He started having short term memory loss and intense all day headaches. We went to all kinds of doctors and a Neurologist. Nothing worked. I prayed to find a solution and found Frank at church in Dec. In two sessions, my son was almost pain free. In the third session as my son learned how to sleep and sit in better positions, the headaches completely stopped. Frank helped my son understand how he needs to care for his body as an athlete. Frank is GREAT! I recommend him highly for anyone with chronic pain. You'll enjoy your new life!!
As a professional mechanic who spends 10 hours per day on his feet one of the most valuable lessons I have learned about pain is to see Dr. Frank Gresham to eliminate it.In one visit he solved a problem I had been fighting for a year.This man understands the cause and effects of pain and can find a sensable answer for the reasons we are in pain.Sometimes conventional medicine has no answers but The Chronic Pain Center does.Invest in yourselfs people and use this facility to make the pain stop once and for all!
I went to Frank with chronic pain in my hip and back. Frank was welcoming and professional. He spent a great deal of time explaining how treatment worked and how I could help myself. He even brought in another pain therapist to consult about my case. I am very grateful to him for all he did for me and I believe he was a blessing from God
Sought relief from lower back pain. Was able to secure a prompt appointment and treatment. In short order I returned to playing softball, bowling, and golf. Also received instructions on how to prevent future occurrences. Highly recommend if you are serious about your pain relief.
After an incident at work left me with excruciating shoulder pain, I was treated by Frank in hopes to relieve it. I pinched a nerve in my shoulder while holding a thrashing patient at work. Given a prescription for muscle relaxer and sent on my way from the ER, I thought I would just have to deal with it. In only one visit (and with the help of the stretches which were the only thing Frank strenuously suggested), I found I had no more problems from pain that was so intense that I found myself unable to lift my arm.
Less than a month after that incident, I was hit on my side of the car in an accident that left my back very sore. Having had such positive results before, I again went to Frank. Because he worked on my back and neck several times in the few weeks following the accident, I experienced only residual soreness. In fact, my co-workers were surprised at how quickly I was back at work and feeling good. I have every confidence that this was because I made sure to go to Frank right away and continued to follow his guidelines regarding stretching. I find relief after a long day from doing his suggested stretches even months later.