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Finding the "WHY" of your pain
Top 1% most endorsed in U.S for chronic pain relief by LinkedIn
Top 1% most endorsed in U.S for chronic pain relief by LinkedIn



Finding the "WHY" of your pain

Are you tired of being in pain?  Would you like to find the “why” of your pain?



FrankGresham The Chronic Pain Center, Pain management


Frank Gresham has traveled to Norway and throughout the United States assisting in teaching Dr. Travell’s protocol for myofascial trigger point therapy.   


A graduate of the American Institute of Myofascial Studies, Frank is a member of the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. 

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Chronic Pain: Why do we hurt?

The Chronic Pain Center is here to help patients get out of their pain. Tight shortened muscles can refer pain to all parts of our bodies. I eliminate that pain and educate you on how to keep yourself pain free. This usually takes 2 to 4 visits. Usually a significant difference is noticed after the consult and first 2 visits.

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  • What ailments are treated at the TCPC?
    Back pain Chronic pain Fibromyalgia Headaches Heel pain Hip pain Knee pain Lower back pain Neck pain Plantar fasciitis Sciatica Shoulder pain Stiff neck pain TMJ Vertigo Whiplash I do not prescribe medications of any type. We are a holistic practice that get results through protocol management. During the initial visit we assess if we can truly help you or not. We look forward to helping you help yourself and become pain free!!
  • What is myofascial trigger point pain?
    Myo means muscle. Fascia is the thin, translucent film that wraps around muscle tissue. Fascia is the extensive, gauze-like network that gives shape to the body and supports its musculature. Trigger points are tender spots that can develop anywhere in a muscle following chronic overload. They can also be caused by poor posture or trauma, such as a broken bone, surgery, sports injury, whiplash, or from repetitive motion. Often, where the pain is felt is not where it originates. The muscular system often refers pain to other parts of the body, making it difficult for those not familiar with Trigger Point Myoth-erapy to determine the pain’s source. For example, common trigger points in the major neck muscle can irritate nerves causing tingling in the arm and numb fingers. Trigger points may be active or latent. Active trigger points cause muscular pain and will refer pain and tenderness to another area of the body when pressure is applied. Latent trigger point have all the characteristics of active points but exhibit pain only on compression. Latent trigger points are believed to be one of the causes of stiff joints and restricted range of motion in old age. Trigger points may be associated with myofascial pain syndromes. Trigger points are very common, and some might refer to trigger points as "muscle knots".
  • Why do muscles tighten and cause chronic pain?
    Muscles contract whenever we use them. Unfortunately, they do not always relax back into neutral resting position. We all know there are areas where our bodies are tight - where we carry stress. We change the way we sit, stand, and move to accommodate that tightness. These changes are called perpetuating factors. The body tries to handle the tightness as best it can. That tension in the muscles, accumulates over days, months, and years. Just like drops of water eventually filling a bucket, the tension in the muscle is more than the body can handle and a trigger point is established. That trigger point, an irritable spot in the muscle, causes it to stay contracted and results in a medically documented pain pattern. Often, where the pain is felt is not where it originates. The goal is to reverse the involved tightness and pain by eliminating the perpetuating factors, then through stretching, return the muscles to their full functioning length. This allows the muscles to return to full use as they learn to function correctly. This leaves you free to enjoy work and activities without tightness or pain.
  • What are common perpetuating factors?
    STRUCTURAL STRESSES Different leg lengths Pronation - flat feet small hemi-pelvis POSTURAL STRESSES Sleep positions Sitting positions (watching television, reading, at the computer, driving, etc.) Head forward/round shoulders Standing positions SLEEP STRESSES Finding comfortable positions Difficult getting to sleep Difficult staying asleep NUTRITIONAL INADEQUACIES Low vitamin/mineral levels Inadequate eating habits/food choices OCCUPATION STRESS Improper office chair, desk height, and phone Hours/breaks SOCIAL/Psychological PRESSURES Stress - good and bad Lifestyle/activities
  • What conditions can you help?
    •  Accidents •  Bursitis •  Carpal tunnel •  Elbow •  Failed back surgery •  Fibromyalgia •  Headaches •  Hip pain •  Sciatica •  Knee pain •  Ankle pain •  Foot pain •  Low back pain •  Plantar fasciitis •  Rotator cuff •  Syndromes •  TMJ •  Tendinitis •  Tennis •  Vertigo •  Whiplash
  • How does myofascial treatment differ from physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage?"
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  • Where can I learn more?
    •  American Institute for Myofascial Studies •  National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point therapists
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